Thursday, May 31, 2012

Directorypress Details page display / adding map location

One of the biggest issues I had with the Directorypress template is editing the details page.

I wanted the map location (map_location) to display on the details page.
I searched for sometime for an answer on the best way to get this done and finally came across this In the directory press forums.

The page that you need to edit is called _single.php
(_single.php)  found under Admin > appearance > 

Then you can add the following code to display any field or custom field: 
<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, "map_location", true); ?> 

you can replace "map_location" with any other field you would like to display, I actually added this code above the listing and also next to the Google map to display the address. To see how this looks on my directory press details page visit:

I also went a little further and used the code from a Google gadget that get's directions and also added that to my _single.php page. 



  1. Thanks. Saved hours of searching for answer

  2. Brilliant - this worked perfectly with your clear instructions... added it to our Oxycontin resource directory (built on the 'standard' non-responsive version of Directory Press)..

    In our example , we put it right above the Google Maps... now to have it follow the CSS style for the other fields a bit better....

    Thanks again for sharing.

