Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Wordpress Plugin Add Link to Facebook

In my directory website http://georgiahealthcareprofessionals.com I added the following plugin "Add Link to Facebook" and it works great, it connects to the Facebook API and can post to the wall it also integrates any comments/posts that are made on facebook back to your site, you can download a copy of the plugin from the following website: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/add-link-to-facebook/

The two issue that I did find is that when doing a bulk import of data into my directory press website the plugin 
causes the import to fail with a 404 error, I recommend the disabling the plugin prior to any large import of data. 

The only other issue is that sometimes the API transaction fails however you are notified in the admin panel and an clear the error simply by updating the post/comment that was made using the wordpress admin panel

I gave this wordpress plugin 4 STARS 


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  2. You really know your stuff... Keep up the good work!

